Partnership Development

Photo by Katie Nugent | Katie Nugent Photography

collaborative partnerships

Many relationships and research collaborations work well without a formal agreement in place. A formal agreement is required for partnerships that commit UBC to financial obligations or have potential impacts on UBC’s academic standards. This may include student mobility programs that involve students taking courses for credit.

Formal agreements must be approved by the UBC Senate and signed by a UBC representative with the appropriate authority.

Building a Partnership


Partnerships can be formalized by a Statement of Cooperation or a Memorandum of Understanding, which is a non-legally binding document. These can be useful to support ongoing research collaborations or other activities that do not need Senate approval and can be made at the Faculty or university level. A typical MoU encourages arrangements for the exchange of visiting scholars for study and research, the exchange of scholarly information, and other areas of cooperation in a variety of research and academic projects.

At UBC’s Okanagan campus, the signatories for this type of agreement are the Dean of the Faculty and the Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the Provost and Vice-President, Academic.

If your Faculty is interested in building a partnership with an international University partner, please complete the Partnership Development Form. This includes those interested in signing a Memorandum of Understanding or Statement of Cooperation.

This brief report ensures that the international support team can provide the most appropriate and effective support for the partnership. If you are a faculty member interested in building an international partnership, the proposed partnership should have the support of the Faculty’s Dean. Completed reports will then be submitted to Raina Reddecliff, Associate Director, Campus Internationalization for approval from the Provost.

Partnership Development Form


Renewing a Partnership

UBC seeks to actively engage in strong and productive academic and research collaborations with our international partners. To help achieve these goals and in order to provide relevant guidance and support for partnership development, the Okanagan Campus International Office regularly collects information on partnership activities and achievements.

If you are in the renewal process for an international partnership, please complete the Partnership Renewal Form.